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Race Results 2021/22 Season.

Bradford Autumn Regatta | MasF/G2x Graham Dean, Lewis Hancock 1st | MasH.4+ Viv Lewis, Neil Shorrock, Max Hunt, Fred Hollis, Lewis Hancock 1st  | ISIS Sculls | W 2x Vic Halford 5th | Burton Head W Sen 2- Martha Nutkins, Sarah Rouke Time Only | W Beg 8+ Finn Broderick, Eliza Patrascu, Emily Carr, Kate Rumbell, Katie Higgins, Vic Halford, Deb Cope, Amalia Morris, Jo Moon Time Only | M Beg 8+ Ieuan Cornish, Josh Rhodes Hook, Gavin Wride, Dave Garner, Ollie Mitchell, Phil Naylor, Tom Holmes, Mark Cooper, Matt Parr Time Only | M Beg 4+ Ieuan Cornish, Josh Rhodes Hook, Sam Hutchinson, Tom Holmes, Mark Cooper Time Only | Op 2x Rowan Baker, Stefano Sigorini, 1st | W 1x Chloe Garnham DNF | MasG 4x- Graham Dean 1st | MasG 2x Graham Dean - 2nd | MasH.4+ Viv Lewis, Neil Shorrock, Max Hunt, Fred Hollis, Peter Holland-Lloyd 1st -  | W 2x Vic Halford 3rd | Nottingham Autumn Head | W 2- Martha Nutkins, Sarah Rouke 2nd | W1x Band 8 Chloe Garnham 4th | Op2x Band 2 Tim Maine, Tom Rubini 1st | Op4- Band 1 Matt Ley, James Bennett, James Walker, Luke Levitt 3rd | Dee Autumn Head | Op.4x- Matt Navarro, James Ryder, Stefano Sigorini, Rowan Baker 4th | Op.1x Oliver Bingham 2nd | Fours Head | Op Club 4x-  Ollie Hanks, Elliot Mcfarlane, Tim Maine, Tom Rubini 9th | Op Club 4- James Bennett, James Walker, Luke Levitt, Matt Ley 18th | Northwich Head | MasD 4x- Graham Dean 1st | MasG 2x Graham Dean 1st | Soar Head | MasG 2x Graham Dean 1st | York Autumn Sculls | W2- Martha Nutkins, Sarah Rouke 1st | Op 4x- Band 2 James Ryder, Rowan Baker, Ollie Hanks, Elliot Mcfarlane 2nd | W4+ Band 2 Eliza Patrascu, Liv Watson, Kat Harris, Chloe Garnham Emily Carr 3rd | W4+ Band 4 Ieuan Cornish, Deb Cope, Kate Rumbell, Jo Moon, Vic Halford 5th | W4+ Band 4 Ieuan Cornish, Eliza Patrascu, Emily Carr, Katie Higgins, Josie Jackson 2nd | Op 1x Band 1 Oliver Bingham 4th | Op 1 Band 2 Ollie Hanks 2nd | Op.4+ Band 3 James Ryder, Josh Rhodes Hook, Tom Holmes, Gavin Wride, Phil Naylor 2nd | Op 4+ Band 4 Oliver Bingham, Dom Barr, Dave Garner, Sam Hutchinson, Matt Parr 5th | W 2x Band 2 Liv Watson, Kat Harris 3rd | W1x Band 2 Chloe Garnham 2nd | Newark Head | MasD 4x- Graham Dean 1st | Op 8+ Sarah Rouke, Rowan Baker, Matt Navrarro, Josh Rhodes Hook, Tom Holmes, Marcus Shreeve, Sam Hutchinson, James Ruder, Dom Barr 2nd | Op 4x- James Ryder, Stefano Sigorini, Rowan Baker, Matt Navarro 2nd | Op.4- Ollie Hanks, James Walker, James Bennett, George Mckirdy 1st | W.4- Kat Harris, Chloe Garnham, Liv Watson, Emily Carr 1st | Op 2x Ollie Hanks, Elliot Mcfarlane 3rd | W 8+ Ieuan Cornish, Deb Cope, Vic Halford, Chloe Andrews, Lizzy Wilkes, Jo Moon, Eliza Patrascu, Kate Rumbell, Meg Tuck 3rd  | Northampton Head of the Nene | W2- Martha Nutkins, Sarah Rouke 1st | Op 8+ Sarah Rouke, James Ryder, Mark Cooper, Phil Naylor, Joseph Hooper, Tom Holmes, Marcus Shreeve, Josh Rhodes Hook, Gavin Wride 2nd | Op 2x Ollie Hanks, Elliot Mcfarlane 3rd | Op 1x Stefano Sigorini 3rd | W4+ Oliver Bingham, Liv Watson, Vic Halford, Eliza Patrascu, Emily Carr 3rd | W J171x Erica Gauler 1st | Op 1x Ollie Hanks 1st | Op 1x Oliver Bingham 2nd | W 2x Chloe Andrews, Lizzy Wilkes 2nd | Op 4+ James Ryder, Tom Holmes, Josh Rhodes Hook, Marcus Shreeve, Gavin Wride 1st | Op.4+ Oliver Bingham, Matt Parr, Joseph Hooper, Sam Hutchinson, Mark Cooper 2nd | Op.2x Rowan Baker, Stefano Sigorini 2nd | W.4+ Erica Gauler, Chloe Andrews, Deb Cope, Eliza Patrascu, Vic Halford 4th | W.2x Liv Watson, Emily Carr 5th | MasG 4x- Graham Dean 1st | MasG 2x- Graham Dean 1st | Mx.4- Ollie Hanks, Elliot Mcfarlane, Sarah Rouke, Martha Nutkins 2nd in Op 4- | Women's Eights Head of the River Race | W 8+ Ieuan Cornish, Sarah Rouke, Martha Nutkins, Kat Harris, Liv Watson, Lizzy Wilkes, Chloe Garnham, Emily Carr, Chloe Andrews 146th | North of England Head | Op 8+ Band 1 Phoebe Cook, Matt Ley, George Mckirdy, Ash Prestige, James Bennett, James Walker, Tim Maine, Ollie Hanks, Tom Rubini 4th | Head of the River Race | Op 8+ 1V Phoebe Cook, Matt Ley, George Mckirdy, Ash Prestige, James Bennett, Sam Remer, Tim Maine, Ollie Hanks, Tom Rubini 83rd | Op 8+ 2V Ieuan Cornish, Josh Rhodes Hook, James Crossley, Elliot Mcfarlane, Luke Levitt, Marcus Shreeve, Gavin Wride, Tom Holmes, Phil Naylor 185th | Op 8+ 3V Stefano Sigorini, Rowan Baker, James Ryder, Oliver Bingham, Ollie Mitchell, Will Matupi, Sam Mountford, Joseph Hooper, Josh Reeves 276th | Northwich Head | MasD 4x- Graham Dean 1st | Bedford Spring Small Boats Head | Op.4x- Dom Barr, James Ketel, Harry Humphries, Mike Preedy 5th | Op.4x- Tom Holmes, Phil Naylor, Sam Mountford, Josh Reeves 4th | Op.2- Josh Rhodes Hook, James Crossley 3rd | Op.2x Elliot Mcfarlane, Ollie Hanks 2nd | Op.2x James Ryder, Rowan Campbell 9th | Op.1x Oliver Bingham 8th | Op.4- James Crossley, Josh Rhodes Hook, Marcus Shreeve, Elliot Mcfarlane 2nd | Op.4+ Oliver Bingham, Tom Holmes, Sam Mountford, Josh Reeves, Phil Naylor 8th | Op.1x Rowan Baker 8th | Op.4x- Rowan Baker, Ollie Hanks, Oliver Bingham, Elliot Mcfarlane 2nd | Op.4+ Oliver Bingham, Marcus Shreeve, Phil Naylor, Josh Rhodes Hook, Tom Holmes 4th | Op.1x Ollie Hanks 1st | Op.2x James Walker, James Crossley 4th | W2- Martha Nutkins, Sarah Rouke Time Only | W4+ Oliver Bingham, Chloe Andrews, Liv Watson, Emily Carr, Chloe Garnham 2nd | W4-  Chloe Andrews, Liv Watson, Emily Carr, Chloe Garnham 3rd | W4+ Stefano Sigorini, Kate Rumbell, Agnethe Perrin, Eliza Patrascu, Jo Moon 4th | MasH4+ Viv Lewis, Neil Shorrock, Fred Hollis, Max Hunt, Peter Holland Lloyd 1st | J16.2x Will Edwards, Ben Edwards 9th | WJ17.1x Erica Gauler 7th | WJ17.2x Erica Gauler, Rebecca Shwartz 6th | WJ17.4x- Erica Gauler, Rebecca Schwartz, Lucy Rumbell, Madeline Perrin 6th | Op.2- James Walker, James Bennett Time Only | Op.2x Ollie Hanks, James Bennett 1st | Op.1x James Bennett 2nd | Op.4- James Bennett, James Crossley, Ollie Hanks, James Walker 1st BUCs Regatta | M Int 1x Oliver Bingham 32nd | M Int 1x James Ryder 53rd | M Int Lwt 1x Ollie Hanks 2nd | M Int Lwt 1x Rowan Baker 15th | W Beg 1x Josie Jackson 19th | M Beg 4x- Dom Barr, James Ketel, Harry Humphries, Joseph Hooper 19th | M Int 2x James Ryder, Rowan Baker 39th | M Int 2x Ollie Hanks, Elliot Mcfarlane 26th | W Beg 2x Chloe Andrews, Lizzie Wilkes 10th | W Beg 2x Meg Tuck, Josie Jackson 20th | M Beg 2x Joseph Hooper, Dom Barr 35th | M Int 4x Ollie Hanks, Oliver Bingham, Rowan Baker, Elliot Mcfarlane 15th | Wallingford Regatta | Op 4- James Crossley, James Walker, James Bennett, Matt Ley 7th | W 2- Martha Nutkins, Sarah Rouke 6th | Op.4- Stefano Sigorini, Josh Rhodes Hook, Marcus Shreeve, Phil Naylor 24th | W.4- Chloe Andrews, Kat Harris, Liv Watson, Emily Carr 10th | Nottingham City Regatta | W2- Martha Nutkins, Sarah Rouke 3rd | W.4- Kat Harris, Chloe Garnham, Emily Carr, Liv Watson 5th | Op 4- AM James Walker, James Bennett, Matt Ley, Ollie Hanks 5th | Op 4- PM Josh Rhodes Hook, Stefano Sigorini, Phil Naylor, Marcus Shreeve 9th | Op 4- PM Oliver Bingham, Rowan Baker, James Grattidge, Tom Holmes 7th | Op 4x- Ollie Hanks, Ash Prestige, Matt Ley, James Bennett 2nd | W2x Emily Carr, Liv Watson 9th | Op8+ Stefano Sigorini, Rowan Baker, Phil Naylor, James Grattidge, James Ryder, Tom Holmes, Josh Rhodes Hook, Marcus Shreeve, Josh Reeves 6th | Nottingham Club Regatta | W2- Martha Nutkins, Sarah Rouke 3rd | Op.4- Tim Maine, Ollie Hanks, James Walker, James Crossley 1st | Op.2- James Walker, James Crossley 2nd | Op.8+ Stefano Sigorini, Rowan Baker, Gavin Wride, James Grattidge, Sam Hutchinson, Josh Reeves, Marcus Shreeve, Mike Preedy, Sam Mountford 2nd | Op4+ James Ryder, Phil Naylor, Gavin Wride, Marcus Shreeve, Tom Holmes 2nd | Op.4- Gavin Wride, Josh Reeves, James Grattidge, Tom Holmes 4th | MasH.4+ Viv Lewis, Fred Hollis, Neil Shorrock, Peter Holland-Lloyd, Max Hunt 1st | Op.4x- Ash Prestige, Luke Levitt, Tim Maine, Ollie Hanks 2nd | Op.4x- Rowan Baker, Oliver Bingham, Stefano Sigorini, James Ryder 2nd | J16.4x- Will Edwards, Ben Edwards, Luke Adkin, Lewis Walker 2nd | W.J15.4x+ Molly Tindall, Lucy Rumbell, Alanna Smith, Amy Fang, Felicia Naylor 4th | W.MasC4+ Chloe Andrews, Kate Rumbell, Agnethe Perrin, Jo Moon, Lisa Redfern 3rd | W.4- Chloe Garnham, Liv Watson, Kat Harris, Emily Carr 2nd | W.4x- Chloe Andrews, Meg Tuck, Eliza Patrascu, Sophie Payne 3rd | W.J16.2x Madeline Perrin, Sascha Shatillo 2nd | W.2x Sophie Payne, Eliza Patrascu 4th | W.MasA.1x Martha Nutkins 3rd | W.1x Chloe Garnham 3rd | Op.1x. Stefano Sigorini 4th | Mx.MasA.8+ Liv Watson, Sarah Rouke, Martha Nutkins, James Walker, Josh Rhodes Hook, Marcus Shreeve, Tom Holmes, Kat Harris, Emily Carr 2nd | WJ17.1x Erica Gauler 4th | Metropolitan Regatta | Op 4- James Crossley, James Walker, James Bennett, Ollie Hanks | W 2- Martha Nutkins, Sarah Rouke 7th | Peterborough Spring Regatta | Op 2- Tom Holmes, James Grattidge 7th | Op 4x- Rowan Baker, James Ryder, Sam Mountford, Josh Reeves 4th | Op 4- James Grattidge, Tom Holmes, Josh Rhodes Hook, James Ryder 5th | Op 2x Rowan Baker, Sam Mountford 7th | J16 2x Ben Edwards, Will Edwards 3rd | W.4- Chloe Andrews, Chloe Garnham, Liv Watson, Emily Carr 3rd | W J18 1x Erica Gauler 4th | W 2x Sophie Payne, Eliza Patrascu 3rd | Op.8+ Oliver Bingham, Rowan Baker, James Ryder, Josh Rhodes Hook, Gavin Wride, Josh Reeves, Tom Holmes, James Grattidge, Sam Hutchinson 4th | MasH.4+ Viv Lewis, Neil Shorrock, Max Hunt, Fred Hollis, Peter Holland-Lloyd 2nd | Op 4- James Grattidge, Tom Holmes, Josh Rhodes Hook, James Ryder 2nd | Op 4- Rowan Baker, Gavin Wride, Sam Mountford, Oliver Bingham 4th | Op 1x Ollie Hanks 3rd | Op 1x Sam Mountford 7th | W.4- Sarah Rouke, Chloe Garnham, Liv Watson, Emily Carr 2nd | W 4x- Chloe Andrews, Josie Jackson, Eliza Patrascu, Sophie Payne 5th | W 2x Sophie Payne, Eliza Patrascu 5th | W 1x Chloe Garnham 4th | British Rowing Masters Championships | MasH.4+ Viv Lewis, Neil Shorrock, Max Hunt, Fred Hollis, Peter Holland-Lloyd 1st | MasB 2x Matt Ley, Ash Prestige 1st | MasA.4+ James Ryder, Josh Rhodes Hook, Marcus Shreeve, Phil Naylor, Tom Holmes 1st | W MasA 2- Sarah Rouke, Martha Nutkins 1st | W MasC 4+ Chloe Andrews, Jo Moon, Kate Rumbell, Lisa Redfern, Agnethe Perrin 5th | Henley Women's Regatta | Redgrave Challenge Vase 2- Sarah Rouke, Martha Nutkins First Round Loss | Lester Trophy 4- Liv Watson, Chloe Garnham, Kat Harris, Emily Carr DSQ | Marlow Regatta | Op 4- James Crossley, James Walker, James Bennett, Ollie Hanks 9th | Henley Royal Regatta | Wyfold Challenge Cup James Crossley, James Walker, James Bennett, Ollie Hanks First Round Win Henley Masters Regatta | MasH.4+ Viv Lewis, Neil Shorrock, Max Hunt, Fred Hollis, Peter Holland-Lloyd 1st  | MasB 2x Matt Ley, Ash Prestige 1st | Burton Regatta | Op.1x Elliot Mcfarlane Heat | Op.1x Stefano Sigorini Heat | Op.1x Sam Mountford Heat | Op.1x Rowan Baker 1st | Op.4x- James Grattidge, Josh Reeves, Josh Rhodes Hook, Sam Hutchinson Heat | J16.4x- Ben Edwards, Will Edwards, Luke Adkin, Lewis Walker Heat | W.8+ Chloe Andrews, Kat Harris, Martha Nutkins, Phoebe Cook, Chloe Garnham, Emily Carr, Liv Watson, Sophie Payne, Erica Gauler 1st | Op.8+ Chloe Andrews, Marcus Shreeve, James Grattidge, Josh Rhodes Hook, Tom Holmes, Sam Hutchinson, Josh Reeves, Sam Mountford Phil Naylor 1st | Op.2x Rowan Baker, Stefano Sigorini Final | W.4- Kat Harris, Chloe Garnham, Emily Carr, Liv Watson 1st | W.1x Martha Nutkins Heat | W.J17.1x Erica Gauler Heat | Op.4+ Chloe Andrews, Tom Holmes, Marcus Shreeve, Gavin Wride, Phil Naylor Heat | Op.4+ Stefano Sigorini, James Grattidge, Josh Rhodes Hook, Sam Hutchinson, James Ryder Final | Op.4x- Rowan Baker, Josh Reeves, Sam Mountford, Stefano Sigorini Heat | J16.1x Will Edwards Heat | W.MasC.4x- Martha Nutkins, Jo Moon, Agnethe Perrin, Lisa Redfern Final | WJ17.2x Erica Gauler 1st | WJ17.2x Felicia Naylor, Madeline Perrin Heat | Op.2- James Grattidge, Tom Holmes Final | Op.2x Josh Reeves, Stefano Sigorini Final | Op.2x Tim Maine, Luke Levitt 1st | W.4x- Meg Tuck, Emily Carr, Chloe Garnham, Sophie Payne 1st | W.1x Martha Nutkins 1st  | J16.2x WIll Edwards, Ben Edwards 1st | J16.2x Lewis Walker, Luke Adkin Final | W4x- Erica Gauler, Cesca Brown, Felciia Naylor, Madeline Perrin Heat | W.J15.4x+ Isaac Naylor, Alanna Smith, Amy Fang, Molly Tindall, Lucy Rumbell Final | Victor Lodurum win at Burton Regatta | Home International Trials | Op Lwt 1x Ollie Hanks 3rd | St Neots Regatta | Op.4+ Chloe Andrews, James Grattidge, Josh Rhodes-Hook, Marcus Shreeve, James Ryder Heat | Op.4x- Josh Rhodes Hook, Josh Reeves, Stefano Sigorini, Marcus Shreeve 1st | Op.2x Rowan Baker, Stefano Sigorini Final | Op.2x Tom Rubini. James Remer Heat | Op.2x James Ryder, Aaron Bennion Heat | J16.2x Will Edwards, Ben Edwards Heat | Op.1x Ollie Hanks 1st | Op.1x Rowan Baker Final | W8+ Chloe Andrews, Kat Harris, Martha Nutkins, Emily Carr, Liv Watson, Chloe Garnham, Gill Lockhart, Eliza Patrascu, Sophie Payne Heat | W4- Kat Harris, Chloe Garnham, Emily Carr, Liv Watson 1st | W2x Eliza Patrascu, Sophie Payne Heat | W.J16.2x Madeline Perrin, Lucy Rumbell Heat | Op.4+ Chloe Andrews, James Grattidge, Josh Rhodes-Hook, Marcus Shreeve, Josh Reeves Final | Op.4x- Rowan Baker, Marcus Shreeve, Josh Reeves, Stefano Sigorini Heat | Op.2x Rowan Baker, Stefano Sigorini Final | J15.2x Lewis Walker, Ben Edwards Heat | J16.1x Will Edwards Heat | W2- Liv Watson, Kat Harris Heat | W2- Chloe Garnham, Emily Carr Final | W.J15.2x Lucy Rumbell, Amy Fang Heat | W.J17.1x Erica Gauler Heat | W.J16.1x Madeline Perrin Heat | W.J15.1x Lucy Rumbell Heat | Mx.4x- Erica Gauler, Madeline Perrin, Ben Edwards, Will Edwards Heat | Mx.4x- Ollie Hanks, James Bennett, Martha Nutkins, Phoebe Cook 1st | City of Oxford Regatta | Op.4x- Ollie Hanks 1st

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